Thank you for visiting our frequently asked questions site. We are assuming that you landed on this page because you want to know more about the group or the show we offer. If yes, then we offer you to read on. We are always happy to be of help to our audience and fans. So, if you have any more inquiries that were not addressed here, then feel free to email us today.
Where can we find the list of your shows and schedules?
All of our schedules are listed on our online bulletin that can be found on this website. We regularly update them so that our audience can make arrangements to watch us whenever they want. You can also have all these updates straight to your inboxes when you subscribe to our newsletter. That way, you won’t overlook checking our schedule out.
Do you have a regular gig where we can watch your acts?
Right now, we don’t. We only stick to our tours which we make all over. We seldom remain long in a place. Wherever there is a festival, you can watch us there. There were invited however for us to stay in one place. Maybe in the future, we are going to consider them.
How much does your show cost?
The cost varies per show. Sometimes, it is the management who hire us that decides how much they are going to charge for the show. But there are also times when we perform for free especially to foundations and shelters around the country. These shows are free for all so stay tuned to know when we are going to be available in your city.
Can you be hired to perform at our event?
Yes, we can. For this inquiry, you can email us about it at the contact details provided here on the website.